Nanny Share Service
Nanny Share
Imagine Care Nannies is here to help you secure a great arrangement! Our Huntsville nanny placement agency is excited to offer our Nanny Share Services. We are available to help your family search for a like-minded family to create a successful nanny share team. Once your team is formed, we recommended our nanny placement service.
What is a nanny share?
A nanny share is when two families team together in a mutually beneficial arrangement, to employ a nanny jointly. The nanny cares for both family's children at the same time, either at one house consistently, or alternating between the two homes. Each family contributes half of the nanny's hourly wage, but remain separate employers. This helps to make employing a nanny a more affordable option, while still obtaining quality care for your children.
Benefits of a nanny share:
helps offset the financial cost of a nanny
socialization for your child(ren)
more one-on-one attention vs. daycare
convenience of in-home care
logistics of drop-off & pick-up that work for your family
consistency of care
relaxed sick policies vs. daycare
help with household work (laundry, dishes, tidying, ect.)
no waitlists vs. daycare
Our Services:
Nanny Share Family Matching: $300 one time fee
Imagine Care Nannies will work with you to tap into our great nanny-parent networks, to connect you with families seeking a similar nanny share arrangement.
*If you decide to use Imagine Care Nannies for the nanny placement service, we will waive your matching fee!
Nanny Share Consultation: $225 per session
In order to make a nanny share arrangement successful, it is very important to have clear expectations and open communication between all parties. Being organized from the start is imperative. Working with a childcare professional to facilitate and organize the arrangement helps take the guesswork out of a successful nanny share.
All Nanny Share packages include:
Family + Family Agreement (between the share families)
Nanny Share Family Matching
Nanny Share Consultation
Background check
All contracts and waivers
Nanny Placement: fee divided between each family
Once you are matched with your nanny share family, Imagine Care Nannies will place an amazing nanny with your families.
Nanny Share Openings:
There are currently no nanny share openings. Please email us if interested in starting a nanny share arrangement.